What do we know about Ayahuasca? The European view can be briefly expressed as follows: the effect of the drug is caused by the action of the chemicals that make up its composition.
Ayahuasca became known to Europeans only a few decades ago. Currently, the following description of the mechanism of its effect is accepted: the ayahuasca drink consists of two plants: chacruna – a source of DMT – a strong psychedelic responsible for most of the effects of ayahuasca, and the ayahuasca vine – a source of IMAO (harmine, harmaline, etc.), which do not allow DMT to be split in the stomach.
It is noteworthy that according to the European view, the action of ayahuasca is mainly caused by DMT contained in the chacruna, while a huge number of tribes living in the Amazon call the main liana ayahuasca. Moreover, there are hundreds of recipes for ayahuasca, and not all of them include chacruna, and the only constant component of the drink is the ayahuasca vine.
A different view. In South America, Ayahuasca has been known for several thousand years. Its action has been tested by many generations of people. Western chemistry developed only about 200 years ago, and pharmaceuticals based on chemistry, at most 150 years ago, and its effectiveness is actually being tested on us. (For reference: the periodic table was created in 1869, the theory of the use of chemical compounds to combat infectious diseases was developed in 1891).
If you ask the Peruvians living in the jungle what ayahuasca is, none of them will say that it is a drug or the effect of some chemicals. They will say that the Spirit of the plant is at work. Here she is called Madre (Mother) and Maestra (Teacher). Is it possible that people have treated a drug or a chemical like this for thousands of years? Or maybe they’re just dumb?
If you go deeper into the jungle and chat with people, you will be surprised. 80-year-olds are often stronger than our 30-year-olds. And if you ask them if they are depressed, they will look with incomprehension. Depression is a scourge of modern civilization, a disease that affects millions of people. She’s not in the jungle. Did you know that the incidence of the population is increasing every year? And this is despite the rapid development of scientific knowledge, medicine and the chemical industry, which produces hundreds of new medicines every year.
So, what’s the use of the Western view of the action of plants? Does our division of the world into chemicals make us healthier? Happier? Stronger?
Meanwhile, people who come to the Spirit of Ayahuasca often get rid of diseases that are considered incurable. They learn to heal themselves and others. They get to real knowledge from a variety of spheres of being.
Unlocking Spiritual Development: Ayahuasca’s Energetic Transformation