Chuchuashi (chuchuasi chuchuwasi, chuchuhuasi, lat. Maytenus Macrocarpa) is a large tree growing in the Amazon jungle. This is one of the strongest medicinal plants of selva. Chuchuhuasi translates as “trembling back” because of its effectiveness as a remedy for back pain, arthritis and rheumatism.
The spirit of the Chuchuashi is often seen as a very plump woman, bursting with life. Chuchuashi teaches a person to be healthy and hardy, to stand firmly on his feet, to use his sexual energy correctly. Chuchuashi restores a person’s connection with the Earth, which is the basis of vitality and energy.
Chuchuashi straightens bones and joints. When using chuchuashi in a special diet, it often copes with severe cases of rheumatism, arthritis, fractures, which official medicine refuses.
It normalizes the genitourinary system. Women use chuchuashi to adjust energy flows in the uterus, to remove female dysfunctions such as infertility, painful or irregular periods, and for a wide range of female diseases. For men, chuchuashi helps to restore potency, increase masculinity.
Chuchuashi is sometimes called “Brazilian ginseng” – it is the strongest immunomodulator. It helps to protect the body from external factors, ranging from temperature changes, psychological stress, and ending with infections and injuries. Chuchuashi also normalizes the hormonal system and the work of the adrenal glands.
Scientific studies have confirmed antitumor (cancer), anti-inflammatory (rheumatism), analgesic, antibacterial effects.
We use chuchuashi both in combination with ayahuasca and in a separate diet for health reasons.
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