A month and a half lasted my ayahuasca retreat. It was a powerful, unforgettable, mostly difficult and sometimes magical experience. I was on my way with a basic request to recover the lost attention that had been hovering here and there on my life’s journey. I also wanted to do some life resetting. Overwork at work, which made him feel like a corralled horse, difficulties in dealing with his family and colleagues, resulted in a general state of unfun and a lack of interest in life. He was making his body felt, hurting here and there. Sleep did not bring the right rest and energy, and the body did not relax at all during sleep. None of this was happy at all.
The plant medicine helped to release, relive and release a huge amount of emotional charge and physical clamps accumulated in the body and its periphery, which had a positive effect on overall well-being, both mental and physical. Session after session, the current life was viewed, people and related events were remembered, mostly emotionally difficult memories and experiences. Layer after layer of emotions rose, tears flowed in streams, and the strongest yawn hurt all the muscles in the face. Some time was devoted to the spine, the invisible manual therapist very carefully ruled the vertebrae, especially the lumbar section. There is much else that has been seen, seen and cured, and you can’t remember or tell, and you can’t find words for anything else.
It’s worth touching on diet separately. Simple food, no salt, no sugar, no spices, no flour has a very positive effect on the body – nothing hurts, no colitis anywhere, the body is light, the stomach is soft, and the fat layer is minimal.
Customized retreat format, this is exactly what you need for long, deep and effective work with plants. You can be alone, concentrate and reflect on life and the situation. All in all, the target has been reached, the reset has taken place.
Huge thanks to the kids at the retreat center for the opportunity to take this challenge, for their support in difficult times and for their friendly interaction.